Neat Burger - Case Study
At Packaging Environmental, we understand that not all businesses are the same, and our customers have different requirements based on their services, products and location. This encourages us to give the best of our business and bring you the best packaging services according to your needs!
Today, as part of our case studies, we are delighted to introduce you to Neat Burger. Read in their own words about how their business came to be as a #GAMECHANGER in the burger and why they’ve decided to work with us at Packaging Environmental.
A bite closer to changing the world...
Neat Burger has applied its own modern twist on fast-food classics. The London-based multi-site eatery is the world’s first plant-based sustainable burger chain.
The vegan burger chain offers a menu that appeals to those who follow plant-based diets and meat-eaters who want to eat healthier, more sustainable and delicious meat-free dishes.
Championed by ambassador and Formula One supremo Lewis Hamilton, Neat Burger satisfies everyone’s craving for American-style food that tastes just like the real thing with the bonus of being plant-based and good for the planet.
Hi Daniel, it’s lovely to meet you!
Could you tell us who Neat Burger are and how did it begin?
Hi, Neat Burger was founded in September 2019 from a desire for change – we wanted to create a restaurant brand with environmental benefits that aims to have ‘’A positive impact on both your health and the environment while tasting delicious’’.
Neat Burger is the first plant-based sustainable burger chain in the world. Part of its success is that it is made for everyone, from plant-based diets to meat-eaters. The purpose of it is to encourage people to eat less meat.
We heard there is something behind NEAT Burger’s name, what is it?
There is a rumour that NEAT is an acronym for No Eating Animals Today. Although it matches the core values of our restaurant, it’s not the reason for our name or an acronym we came up with.
What has been the biggest challenge Neat Burger has been presented with to date?
The pandemic was a big challenge for us in all aspects. It was only six months before the pandemic hit, forcing us to shift our ambitious growth strategy of expanding to a further five dine-in sites in 2020 to fit a dramatically different place.
Staffing was also a big concern. Customers are our priority. Therefore, engaging with them is essential from the moment they cross our doorways. However, keeping that culture and employee advocacy has been challenging due to all the safety rules, opening and closings, work absences and concerns of our staff, and other COVID related measures.
But it’s how we adapted to it that matters. We implemented new strategies to keep offering our customers our best service and food deliveries even when we were all stuck at home. Neat Burger kept running throughout.
Now, in 2022 we can proudly say that we successfully faced those difficult times and are back to expanding all across London also to the USA and Europe.
If you had to choose only one option from your menu, what would it be?
The smash burger. It’s delicious!
What’s Neat Burgers’ approach to the environment?
We want to change the game. That’s why everything at Neat Burger is plant-based, from our Burgers to our packaging. We want to help the environment while offering mouth-watering quality food.
‘’ The full-flavoured, game-changer dedicated to feeding you with one hand & saving the world with the other...’’
In addition to our sustainable day-to-day actions, Neat Burger works in partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects - A California-based charity.
A tree is planted for every product sold, so your positive impact is doubled with every burger sold! That’s a lot of trees!
Neat Burger goes beyond meat and plastics!
Since the company was launched, our packaging has been plant-based. However, it has changed A LOT over time.
Our two main challenges packaging wise were that firstly, some of the current packaging didn’t even exist until our supplier (Packaging Environmental) came up with a custom design solution. And locating sustainable packaging items that are environmentally friendly and practical at the same time can be tricky if you don’t have the right assistance through the process.
It took time to find the best packaging options for our food to keep its quality while representing the brand’s essence.
That’s why we decided to work shoulder to shoulder with Packaging Environmental.
A great example to illustrate this is our sustainable friendly Hot Dog box. A brand-new product Packaging Environmental designed for us!

'We want to be everywhere and become the top plant-based brand in the world. So keep an eye out for Neat Burger wherever you are!'
Daniel Shand - Locandon Local & Central Operations Manager at Neat Burger
In only three words, how would you describe Packaging Environmental?
- Sustainability
- Innovation
- Collaboration
Thanks, Daniel, for your time today. Is there anything you’d like to add?
'We want to be everywhere and become the top plant-based brand in the world. So keep an eye out for Neat Burger wherever you are!'
If you want to find out how your business can benefit from a partnership with Packaging Environmental, like Neat Burger, simply get in touch at or call +44 (0)20 3006 2432, 8:30 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday.
You can also submit one of our packaging service forms and one of our friendly customer service representatives will be in touch to discuss your packaging requirements.